Questions about how to participate in EPIC?  Here's a list of our most asked:

What is the EPIC STEM Challenge?

The Electric Propulsion Innovation Challenge (EPIC) is a real-world design challenge geared for students in grades 6-12.  In this inquiry-based project, students are challenged to design, build and fly an electric aircraft that will carry out a specific task.  

Each year, the framework remains the same- to successfully design, build and fly a small electric airplane- but the game changes annually.  You can learn more about the EPIC STEM Challenge here and read this year's game rules here.

Who can participate?

We welcome the participation of any students- formal or informal- in middle school (grades 6-8) and high school (grades 9-12).  Younger students may still participate, but will compete in the middle school grade band. 

How do I get started?

Our Resources for Coaches page contains all kinds of materials- most of them free- to help you get started.  For resources to help students design their airplanes, check out our Resources for Teams page.  

Sign up to stay in touch too so that you can keep up to date, attend our webinars, and learn about upcoming events like coaches workshops and fly-off events.

How much funding do I need for this project?

The EPIC STEM Challenge is a low-cost way to teach aerospace and engineering design. Costs will vary since the design is up to students, but the average airplane costs around $10.  The flight circle (required for students to test their airplanes) and the curriculum (optional) can be ordered here.

Where can I find funding for this project?

Even though EPIC is low-cost, funding can sometimes still be a challenge.  Check with local organizations for available funding and/or head over to our Get Funding page for a list of possible grant opportunities and resources to help you write a grant for EPIC materials.

How can I learn more about the EPIC STEM Challenge?

First, sign up for our mailing list to be informed of upcoming workshops, grants and more.  Then, attend a coaches workshop where you can learn more about this year's game and design, build and fly your own electric airplane!  If you're unable to attend in person, sign up to participate in a virtual coaches workshop.  You can also contact us for any questions or help getting started.

Where do I go if I need help?

For help of any kind, contact us!  No question to big or small.   We're here to help you make EPIC a fantastic experience for you and your youth!  Teams who would like to sign up for a Mentor can fill out the form here.

Can I register for a workshop with a Purchase Order?

Yes!  We are happy accept purchase orders for schools and organizations wanting to register 3 or more participants for a workshop. Use our handy guide for paying with a PO or contact us to make arrangements.

Can I register teams for a Fly-Off event with a Purchase Order?

Of course!  We are happy to accept purchase orders for schools and organizations wanting to register 5 or more teams.  Click here for more information.

Still have questions? Contact us and we'll be happy to help!