Coaches Workshops
In-Person Workshops
To help familiarize teachers and coaches on how to teach EPIC, we offer one-day coaches workshops, where participants can:
learn the EPIC project through the eyes of a student
design, build and fly their own electric airplanes
be among the first to play this year's game
get resources to teach EPIC
meet your support network
During the workshop, we walk teachers and coaches through the project answering questions and providing tips to best reach all students. We discuss design elements and practical building tips to keep this project low-cost and accessible for all youth.
In the afternoon, teachers and coaches fly their airplanes and get experience working with the flight circle as well as experience making adjustments to get their airplanes to fly successfully. After the airplanes fly successfully, participants challenge themselves to try out this year's game!
Virtual Workshop
Like our in-person workshops, our virtual workshop is a great way to learn more about EPIC and design & build your own airplane!
Adult participants who are unable to join us for our in-person workshops can learn the same content virtually and on your own schedule with each virtual module teaching the same principles as our in-person workshop and providing on-demand help along the way.
Upon registering, participants will be sent a Coaches Kit containing essential materials to get started designing & building their own airplanes. Add the remaining supplies to complete your demo airplane and you're ready for takeoff!
Please note one difference of the virtual experience: Participants will not have the opportunity to test their airplanes unless they have access to a flight circle.